Travel Time

Well, we’re headed off to the Erie County Fair today. We left the house at 04:45 and should be getting in to the fair grounds around 10:30. There’s three of us (Dean, Matt, and myself). We’re towing about 5,000 lbs and the truck seems to be handling it quite nicely (especially considering the U-Haul trailer does not have electronic brakes).

Below is a shot of the back seat of the truck. My apologies for the blurriness. I took these pictures using panoramic software on my phone. It was difficult to get the shots to line up in such a small space. If you look in the low-left of the photo you can actually see my laptop screen with me composing this post. To the right of that is Matt working away on his laptop. It’s kind of funny, during one part of the trip we had very poor cell service and we were complaining about having a slow internet signal (we are “tethering” the internet from our phones to our laptops). Dean then came out with the comment “we didn’t even have cell phones when I was a kid”. It is pretty amazing that we can basically turn any place into a mobile office.

If you’re in the area (Buffalo/Hamburg, NY) we’ll be at the fair for the next ten days. Stop in and say hello. We’d love to meet you!


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  1. what building are you in at the fair? we got a free sample and we love it. i want to buy some.


    • Hi Mike,
      We are in the Marketplace building, right across from the expo hall. The easiest way to find us is to find the NYS Police building with the tall rappelling platform, we are right next to them. Have a great day!

  2. Looks like a mess already! :o)

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