Back in 1994 when we bought an old run down farm. My daughter had her heart set on getting a horse. But I am too frugal and practical, so she got 2 milk goats and our son got chickens. We learned how to care for and milk goats and make cheese and yogurt. Life was filled with new adventures of taking care of our animals, gardening, preserving our produce, maple sugaring, and sewing. And we did manage to fit in homeschooling. In 1997, my friend and goat mentor needed help using up her excess goat milk by making soap. Her first attempt failed, so she asked for my moral support to try again, she added it would be a good chemistry lesson for our homeschooled kids. Excited to learn and spend time together, we donned goggles and gloves in her kitchen, where she explained that we would use lye and oils to create soap. After weeks of curing, I tried the handmade soap and I was amazed. Unlike drying commercial soaps, this one left my skin soft, without flaking or itching. I became hooked on making my own soap, sharing it with family and friends who loved it.