Jun 11

Where is the Safe Cosmetics Act of 2011?

Via LMRodgers at Personal Care Truth

Now, is it me or is this beginning to feel like a huge PR move by Representatives Jan Schakowsky (D-IL), Edward Markey (D-MA) and Tammy Baldwin (D-WI) to build momentum and excitement for The Safe Cosmetics Act of 2011 so when the bill is finally made public, we will all be blinded by the warm fuzzies, and won’t bother to read what’s in it?

Unfortunately that doesn’t sound as crazy as it should.

I’m also wondering if the Campaign for Safe Cosmetics and the EWG don’t have a hand to play in this little game of cat and mouse. When you read all the posts and updates coming from their camp, it’s obvious they have a front row seat, and probably have a copy of the bill on a desk in their offices. They sure do have a great many aspects of the bill they are pointing out, and how great they will be for consumers. I’m pretty sure they have a copy of the bill because they are the driving force behind this proposed legislation. Do you think I’m too off the mark?

Nope. Let’s not forget the money trail for the EWG.

Jun 11

The Safe Cosmetics Act of 2011 is introduced today


HR 2359 The Safe Cosmetics Act of 2011 is introduced today. Look for bill text later today on the HSMG Blog when it becomes available.

Oh boy. I can’t wait to see what’s in the bill this time around. Let’s hope all of our efforts last year didn’t fall on deaf ears!

Jun 11

Best Products for Sensitive Skin

Via Colin Sanders at Colin’s Beauty Pages

But based on my personal experience and a bit of understanding of the way the skin works, the advice I would be most inclined to give is to simply use as little of anything as you can get away with.  Your skin is most likely to heal most quickly if you simply leave it to itself.

I have to say, this is great advice. Of course it’s immensely important what product you use, but in general, the less the better.

Jun 11

Update on The Safe Cosmetics Act

Kayla Fioravanti via Essential U

With your help we all made a lot of noise – enough to have earned open lines of communication that have allowed your voices to be heard behind the scenes.  Leigh attended the June 10th meeting with the Soap Guild’s D.C. advocate Marry Anne Walsh of Roetzel and Andress.

I’d like to say thank you to all of our customers who signed the petition and showed support. It’s been a long tough battle, and this is good news.

We must stay vigilant in order to insure that the new language of the Safe Cosmetics act does not fall into the category of indefensible bureaucratic stuff.

Couldn’t agree more.

Jun 11

What is Lye Soap?

I recently received a question asking us to consider making “lye soap”. Since every bar of alabu® is actually lye soap, I thought I would take the opportunity to shed some light on this subject. First, I would like to say that nearly all bar soap is lye soap. However, that doesn’t mean when you buy a bar of big-brand x that it’s lye soap. So, what’s the difference? Continue reading →