The new adventure is that our daughter’s family have moved to Florida, and they had the nerve to take their five children with them! Just kidding, sort of. For us it is the end of an era. We know we have so been blessed to have them live close by for so many years. Our grandkids are a real joy to be around (mostly) and always make us feel so loved.
In the time we live in now we can Facetime with them on the computer (when we were kids only Dick Tracy could do that in the comics). Anyway it’s not quite the same, but it is better than nothing. We will miss watching them play here with their cousins, laughing and making us laugh with their crazy kid antics. We will also miss all the help they have given us over the years working around the farm, in the garden, for Alabu and darn they were old enough now to be really good at it.
Oh did I forget to mention we will miss our daughter and husband too? Yes we will, even though we are still not talking to them, just kidding. We love them all so much and wish them all the best. We will surely miss them all so much but we are proud they are putting their family first and doing what they feel is right for them.
P.S. We are blessed that our son’s family is still close by so we are not completely without grandkids.