Oct 09

Dry Hands

With winter knocking on the door, we have started to receive phone calls and emails asking what we recommend for wintery dry skin. We enjoy being asked this question for a number of reasons. First off, it is part of the reason why we started making soap in the first place. We wanted people to have an all-natural soap that wasn’t going to leave your hands feeling dry and itchy. Secondly, we know that our products work. There is a lot of talk in the media about all-natural alternatives, but not all of them work. All of us here at Alabu get excited because we know that when someone calls looking for soap for dry skin, we can point them toward any of our soaps and know that they will make a difference.

This year it is more important to use a higher quality soap that is not going to dry your hands. As we all try to avoid getting the flu, it is important to wash your hands several times throughout the day. The use of antibacterial soaps is not as important as washing your hands correctly. Most people don’t wash their hands long enough, 5-10 seconds, when they should be washing their hands 15-20 seconds. Other ways to help prevent getting the flu are gargling salt water and getting enough vitamin D. If there are ways you prevent the flu, share them with us on our Facebook page.

Oct 09

A Little More on Why

Are fragrance oils that different from essential oils? The simple answer is yes. The confusion happens because many people use these terms interchangeably. Nonetheless, a lot of questions have been raised about our decision to discontinue fragrance oils. This is not a decision that was made without serious consideration. I decided to take a few moments and go into a little more detail about how we made this decision. Continue reading →

Sep 09

Thompson Chemists

At Alabu, we continually work to build relationships with both our wholesale and retail customers. This past week, we were really happy to see our soap written about in the Thompson Chemist blog. Continue reading →

Aug 09

This Week At Alabu

Things are a little busy around the shop the last few days. If you are following us on Facebook and Twitter, you probably already know, but Faith is having open-heart surgery on Thursday. It is a huge surgery that is going to take quite a while. Continue reading →

Aug 09

A Look Back

Well, the fair is over. It was a long 12 days, but Dean, Hal, and I made the best of it. This was definitely a different environment than we are used to. Typically there is a higher number of people that have actually heard of goat milk soap. Continue reading →