Oct 13

Early Bird Special & Contest

Early Bird SpecialEarly Bird Special & Contest

– Are you an early bird shopper?

All orders placed between October 1st and October 21st over $59.00 will get free shipping and be entered into our Early Bird Special drawing to win a $100.00 of store credit to buy Alabu Skin Care products, great for Christmas gifts. That’s it! It is as easy as that, place an order over 59.00 by Oct 21th and you will be automatically entered to win. We’ll see if we can get the goats to pick the winner, who will be announced in the November Newsletter (10/1 -10/21)

(Use this coupon code to redeem Free Shipping on orders over $59:  FREESHIP4Y6M)

Sep 13

4 Skin Care Tips for Autumn

imagesWell, autumn is officially here, and in much of the country that means cool, dry air. While we happen to like the change in weather, it can be really harsh on the skin. Here are some skin care tips to keep your skin looking awesome all year:

1. Stay hydrated.
Staying hydrated is important not just for the health of your body, but your skin, too. The drier air in the fall means you’ll be losing more moisture through your breathing and through your skin.

2. Up your moisturizing.
Whatever you do to moisturize during the summer, you’ll need to increase it during the fall and winter. This doesn’t necesarrily mean more work though. If you use a lotion during the summer, try switching to Shea Body Butter. It packs a bigger punch than a body lotion and you won’t have to put it on as often. It also has the added benefit of beeswax which helps prevent moisture loss in the dry fall air and even lasts through hand washing!

3. Hit the sauna
If you have access to a suana (many health clubs have saunas), use it! Saunas have many health benefits, not the least of which is improving the condition of the skin. Saunas dilate your capillaries, which brings increased blood flow to your skin. It opens up pores which helps release toxins and contaminates that accumulate in the skin. Sometimes the heat of a suana can be overwhelming in the summer, but stepping outside into the cool fall air after a session in the suana is a feeling we think you’re going to love.

Sep 13

Robert Tisserand and the Science of Essential Oils


I had the pleasure of taking a trip to NYC and taking a seminar taught by Robert Tisserand. He is the foremost expert on essential oils and aromatherapy. If you are interested in aromatherapy or essential oils and you ever have the opportunity, I would highly recommend Robert Tisserand and his work. What I appreciate most about his approach is the science behind his teaching. He doesn’t take anything at face value; he finds research to back it up. If there haven’t been studies and trials to prove the theory it is just someone’s opinion, not science. Too often people believe something they have heard about an essential oil and it turns out to be a myth, even though they may have read it in a book.

Robert Tisserand doesn’t just educate about the properties a particular oil might have, he educates how it works on the skin or olfactory systems. It’s a holistic approach backed up by science. No scare tactics, just the facts as they are known. Sometimes there is so much information given that it is hard to keep up, but his warm approachable style makes it comfortable to ask questions or further explain. He is a humble teacher, even though he is of international acclaim in his area of expertise. Robert is eager to impart what he knows. He laughs easily and jokes with his students. I admire how he can teach a group of people (mostly women) with mixed experience and knowledge base of essential oils, from complete beginner to advanced practitioners. I’m sure everyone came away with new understandings and respect of the role essential oils can play in helping skin stay healthy.

I am hoping to make some new products for Alabu with what I have learned and try using some of the costlier oils that I have shied away from using. As an added benefit we were privileged to make and take home several formulations that smelled wonderful.

I took advantage of what we made in class on the train ride home from NYC. I didn’t much like smelling the diesel of the train, so I used some of the Dry Skin Lotion we made in class and smelled the dreamy fragrances of Rose, Sandalwood and Lemon. Thank you Robert Tisserand for the educational seminar and the much more comfortable train ride home!

Aug 13

Save a Life – Donate Blood

Blood_donation_web.1Dean and I are pretty enthusiastic about donating blood. There have been a number of reasons  throughout our lives that nudged us to do it. Dean has always felt good about donating blood and starting doing it regularly in high school. I always felt a bit squeamish about needles. But after 9/11; I started giving blood, I just felt like I had to do something and they were asking for donations. I was glad to do it and have continued. You never know who you will be helping; like our grand daughter, she needed many transfusions when she had heart surgeries. And our good friend, he  was diagnosed with leukemia and needed blood transfusions frequently. He told us some days he didn’t get a transfusion because the demand was higher than the supply. Did you know every time you donate it is enough to save three peoples lives? I’m assuming it is even more if it is used for babies likes our grand daughter.
Please consider finding some time to donate this week.  Donating is pretty quick (about 30 to 60 minutes if you make an appointment), and doesn’t really hurt. You don’t even have to watch or see blood. I can look at the blood but I never look when they insert the needle.
If you haven’t donated in a while, or it’s your first time, here are a couple of tips: Drink lots of water before you go. Drink lots of water after you donate. The hospitality team at the donation site will have water and juice for you and a snack afterwards. You can go to www.redcrossblood.org to find out everything you need to know about donating blood and even make an appointment online. Every day lots of people depend on blood donations to survive. It feels great to donate; you’ll be somebody’s hero!  If you’ve donated recently or have anything to add, let us know in the comments section below!

Jul 13

Cosmetic Safety – Research or Run With It?

Cosmetic SafetyArticles about cosmetic safety always peak my interest; especially articles posted on Personal Care Truth website. They are a group of writers devoted to informing with the truth and refuting scare tactics and half truths. I hope you enjoy this informative article from Personal Care Truth.

I do agree with the author L.M. Rogers statement: “In this day of social media, it seems much easier to run with a story coming across your news feed, as opposed to actually researching it for yourself. I believe in truth, facts and science. Even in politics, I check the sources of a story before regurgitating the information, to the people who will see my feed.”