View From My Window – Teach Them Well

56216500585__3C097882-40FA-44B9-A81D-7CDA233A1F4BTeach them well.  Just in case you haven’t figured it out yet, we really love having our grandkids come up and hang out here. Dean would tell you that we like the free labor.  But anyone who tries to get work done with 6 kids, between the ages of 1 and 9 would tell you it is more work to have them “help” than if you did it yourself.  But we just enjoy having them around. Actually this year some of them are really good helpers. One day I lost track of Miss Number One, she was in the other room wrapping soap for me!

I saw something recently that reinforced what we did with our kids, and now teach our grandkids too.  What am I talking about?  Getting kids involved in work, and creative activities that are a reward in them selves.  Teach real life skills like gardening, raising animals, repair skills, sewing, cooking, camping, hiking, exploring and helping others. Things that shape them. These things give kids a real feeling of accomplishment and are important life lessons.

Working with your kids and grandkids on projects, adventures and responsibilities like these not only teach useful skills, they also instill values, self-reliance and caring for others. We enjoyed our kids when they were little – not to say we don’t enjoy them now too :o) – and they worked alongside us and also learned to like the things we liked, x-country skiing, rock climbing, camping, horseback riding etc.  I think letting your kids be involved in your life is one of the best things you can teach them.

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