Apr 11

What’s in a name?

Have you ever wondered what the name Alabu means? We get this question a lot so I thought I’d shed some light on it. It all started way back in the beginning of the year 2000 (that seems like so long ago). My mother had made soap for about three years at this point, and we were selling soap and candles online at a Continue reading →

Mar 11

Brand New alabu.com!

It’s been over a year in the making, we’ve finally launched our new website! We’ve always designed the site ourselves in the past, but we decided it was time to hire a professional, and I have to say the folks over at ShopIgniter did an absolutely fantastic job. We’ve got all kinds of new features and the site is very easy to use. What are you waiting for? Go check it out! You can also visit this page to see what’s new.


Mar 11

Month of Changes

Wow! February was a wild month for Alabu—so many things are happening around here, my head is spinning. I guess I’ll start with the most disappointing event: our Chief Sales Officer, Tom, has Continue reading →

Feb 11

The Insecticide in many common personal care products

I was browsing through Colin’s Beauty Pages and I found a post titled “The Insecticide in many common personal care products“. I know Colin is not generally given to fear-mongering and scare tactics, so this post really caught my interest. It turns out that the post isn’t quite what you’d expect from the title, but it is indeed about an insecticide in many common person personal care products. In any event, it’s definitely worth a read. so go check it out!


Dec 10

Do You Saponify?

Great article from personal care truth!

