My view from my window has changed significantly.  While part of me is saddened, there is a part that is very happy.  For lots of different reasons, we have been considering finding a new home for my mare Fascination (Fasci) for some time. I was using her less and less, especially since our neighbors moved away and I no longer had my helpers come every morning to help me with chores. But I refused to part with her unless I could find her a good home and I did. A young girl contacted me and came to visit and she just fell in love with Fasci. She sends me pictures and tells me tales of their adventures together ( I never knew Fasci liked to swim!). It seems like they have both found their best friend and I think Fasci is happier with all the attention and spoiling, that only a young girl knows how to do. Her new owner is better than I had hoped and this story definitely has a happy ending.
My Life and Family
Jul 14
View From My Window – August 2014
Jul 14
View From My Window – July 2014
What is The Fourth of July? Is it just another day off from work for a party and the first holiday of summer? In the past it was always called Independence Day and there is a reason for that. Independence Day celebrates the adoption of the Declaration of Independence by delegates from the 13 colonies in 1776. The Declaration of Independence changed the course of history. It celebrates the experiment of a new kind of government. For the first time in history, the people, not kings or conquerors, would rule a nation. Elected delegates would vote; representing the will of the people, because they declared it is a natural right for man to be free.
After the vote, John Adams writes to his wife, Abigail: “Yesterday the greatest Question was decided, which never was debated in America, and a greater, perhaps, never was or will be decided among Men. A Resolution was passed without one dissenting Colony ‘that these united Colonies, are, and of right ought to be free and independent States, and as such, they have, and of Right ought to have full Power to make War, conclude Peace, establish Commerce, and to do all the other Acts and Things, which other States might rightfully do…’ This . . . Day . . . will be the most memorable Epocha, in the History of America. I am apt to believe that it will be celebrated, by succeeding Generations, as the great anniversary Festival. . . . It ought to be solemnized with Pomp and Parade, with Shews, Games, Sports, Guns, Bells, Bonfires and Illuminations from one End of this Continent to the other from this Time forward forever more.”
So on this day, July 4th 2014, Independence Day, have a party, celebrate, have fun, just remember what you should be celebrating for. I am celebrating the fact that I have the ability to live my dream, be independent and own my own business making our healthy skincare products! What about you? What are you remembering and honoring about the fourth of July?
May 14
View From My Window – June 2014
With the warm weather comes the bugs! Our pony Caddy and the goats never seem all that bothered by the bugs. I think they may have thicker skin. But our big strong horse, Fasci is so bothered she will come running back into the barn to escape the horse flies. She has a beautiful sleek coat and sheds out quickly but has thin skin that the bugs love.
I have noticed over the years the welts she gets from bug bites get bigger and bigger. None of the fly sprays or my homemade repellants work for more than an hour or two. Lately I have noticed that she rubs on trees to scratch them and turns them into open sores. I use our Tea Tree lotion Stick on them and that was healing them up nicely, until she got a really bad bite right where her belly and back leg meet.
I couldn’t figure out how she was scratching that one and she was making an awful mess of it. I will spare you the pictures, trust me I’m not bothered by much but I thought it was gross.  I bought some spot-on bug repellant like we use on the dog ( I don’t like to use them, but we have so many ticks I feel it is the best option). So far it has been working for a week so no more new bites. But she was still scratching the ones she had so they couldn’t heal.  Then I saw her do it. She was using the goat hutch. So we moved the hutch out of the pasture for now and everything seems to be healing now.
Apr 14
View From My Window – May 2014
It’s Spring and our petite little bundle of energy, grand daughter Number One, had the week off of preschool. Since Dean decided to take Friday off from work I thought it would be fun to have Number One here for the day.
We started our day by picking her up at 6:30. I thought we would continued the fun all the way through dinner and a bath so she would be all ready for bed when we take her back home.  She can be a handful when she is with her younger sister and the twins but when she has your undivided attention, well she still keeps you on your toes but her joy is contagious. She loves to be a big  helper and work along side you.
After morning chores we went out to breakfast and did some errands. When we got home Number One helped ship orders and pack soap I had already wrapped. Then we moved on to laundry, she loves pushing buttons ( the ones on the washing machine as well as her mother’s, I think ). In between laundry she played with P. Buddy. They played matching games, read books and played on the chime along. Then we went shopping and she decided P. Buddy should come too.
After all the work was done Papa tried to take a nap, but Number One decided he didn’t need one. Papa put some music on and she thoroughly entertained us with her dancing and singing. After dinner her daddy called and said he was out and could pick her up. We were having such a good time, but I couldn’t  thank him fast enough! Dean and I were both exhausted. That tiny little girl sure does keep you busy, but she sure fills your heart with love.
Mar 14
View From My Window – April 2014
Cabin fever in the barn yard continues. Although we have had a bit of a thaw and I have made them walk all the way down the hill for their hay they are all still exhibiting signs of boredom. The horse and pony are still doing their their little biting game and the goats are doing a lot of standing on their hind legs and butting heads. I have noticed that Midnight has taken to standing on the bottom of the barn door to reach up and chew on the barn. Soon the grass will be green and they will all be busy out eating it instead of the barn.